Upcoming Holiday Sale.

I'm excited to announce that I will have a table at the Guelph Holiday Vintage and Makers' Market. This event hosts vendors who create one-of-a-kind handmade goods or sell interesting vintage finds. It takes place Saturday December 12th 2015, from Noon-10pm, in the basement of St. George's Anglican Church. 99 Woolwhich Street, Guelph. 

I've been working hard making small faux-taxidermy head mount sculptures. These little woodland creatures are very cute and sweet, and I'm having a lot of fun making them. Each one is unique. They have been built up by hand, without the use of molds, then painted. They will be mounted on small plaques so they can hang on the wall.

I'm also making more felt anatomical brooches; hearts, teeth, cell structures and more. These look like tiny medical diagrams made out of fabric. They are hand sewn with visible stitches and remind me of old well loved and patched up stuffed animals.

This is also my first venture into jewellery. I've made a few wax patterns;  miniature heart, vertebra and rodent skull. They were then molded and cast with self curing dental acrylics. This ties into my dental tech training, as the wax process is similar to building up a tooth for casting a crown.

I will also have some of my small paintings and buttons available. 

Hope to see you there!